
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey y’all. I’ve been trying to write this blog for a week now and I just keep feeling like words fail me. Reading everyone else’s beautiful accounts of training camp has been awesome, but if I’m being honest, left me a little self-conscious at how to recount my own testimony of how God moved this week.

So with these feelings I’m just gonna do what I do best, brain dump how I’m feeling and not worry about how poetic or eloquent it is. It’ll be good because it is authentically me (A little self motivation there).

Training camp was nothing like I thought it would be, but in all the right ways.

  • I wasn’t prepared to spend the week camping in the rain, but to be so consumed with gratitude that my tent was (mostly) dry and (pretty) warm.
  • I wasn’t prepared for my bucket shower (in all honesty I can’t put an “s” there because I only took one actual shower that week, bring baby wipes) to be the most refreshing shower I’ve had in a long time.
  • I wasn’t prepared for God to crack me on the first day, but only so he could make a way to pour more of His truth and love into my soul.
  • I wasn’t prepared for 44 strangers (most of them) to morph into a beautiful loving family. The love that God has already cultivated in my heart for H squad and our leaders is beyond belief.
  • I wasn’t prepared for how amazing, loving, supportive, authentic and Spirit-led our leaders would be. And not just our squad leaders y’all but every speaker and admin from AIM we encountered just poured their love and wisdom over us.

My word on these thoughts, let go of expectations. This is something I knew going into the World Race, but experiencing it was something else. If training camp would have gone the way I envisioned, I would have missed out on all the amazing ways God wanted to move that week.

What expectations are you carrying around with you?

What areas is God trying to move into in your life?

I promise you if you let go and let God into those places, it will far exceed any expectations you may have had.



P.S. I know I promised a blog on community, but I’m still working on the right way to describe the beauty that is now my life with these amazing people. To be continued…

2 responses to “Life After Training Camp”

  1. oooo this is so good, hailey. what a great reminder to let go of our expectations because God’s way is so. much. better. the world needs to hear what you have to say! thanks for being your authentic self (: so excited to do life with you this year. much love!!

  2. Wow, I love this! Your heart is so pure… grateful to know you and get to walk alongside of you this next year! Love you sweet girl.