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Thoughts & Inspiration

We’re going into our third week of ministry in Guatemala. I can’t even begin to describe how amazing and life giving it’s been. We’re doing construction. 


You read that right, the hard manual labor we’re doing has been fun and incredible. You want to know the secret? The Misteco family. 


Fernando and his 3 sons embody life is ministry, ministry is life to the fullest extent. They work with the joy of the Lord and pour out from a place of overflow to all around them. Our days are filled with laughter, worship music, and Spanglish as they teach us Spanish and we teach them English. Throughout the week we also get to help with a soup kitchen along with 2 of his daughters. Luis, the eldest son, travels with us on Thursdays to medical clinics to translate for us and on Fridays we put on kids club in the afternoon. When the family isn’t with us, they’re also working on their farm, doing another kids club on Saturday where they hand out food bags and then spend all of Sunday at church where they also preach. Every moment is filled for them and I’m telling you, everyday they’ve worked from overflow from the Lord. 


Life is Ministry, Ministry is Life.


Last week Luis shared more of his testimony with us and he gave me permission to share some here with you all. 


Fernando and Rubidia never went to school. Rubidia stays home with the kiddos and makes goods to sell and Fernando works very hard to put the kids through school. He works from sun up to sundown. 


Luis said while growing up, his father would go up to their farm and chop down fire wood and sell bundles for like 30Q which is like only $4, they also sell food from their farm to put the kids through school and to have money for the bus to go to school. The kids have continued to help Fernando with reading and writing and to speak English. 


Luis had dreams of going to university but he felt the Lord place in his heart to give back to his father. He worked for him for free for 3 years, Fernando would try to give him some money every now and again and he’d make sure his brothers got it instead. After 3 years he thought ok now I’ll go to university but the Lord spoke again, now telling him to go to Bible school. Luis and Fernando were both able to go and he was able to help his father with the schooling. Luis now doesn’t feel the need to go to college, he wants to be a pastor and full time missionary with his father. 


He allowed himself to be interruptible for the Lord and listened as He called. I’m daily overwhelmed at how this family exemplifies Jesus and His disciples. They work hard everyday, not just building homes for others in their community but also on the family farm which feeds them and their community. They do a soup kitchen, multiple kids clubs where they teach about Jesus and distribute food bags, a Bible study with the local police department, preach at their church, and go to school to learn English and cooking. 


They are a true example of Life is Ministry. Ministry is Life. 


I hope and pray that one day I can serve as well as they do with such a joyful heart. They walk so closely with the Lord that they’re always working from a full cup. Thanks Jesus for placing this family in my life. 


If you want to read more about Luis and Fernando or bless them with your support, their ministry link is below.